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6 June, 2012

240. Hon LINDA SAVAGE to the Minister for Energy:
Given that the Liberal Party did not disclose before the previous state election that the increase in electricity prices would be 57 per cent in its first three years of office, will the minister now give an undertaking that prior to the next election he will provide the actual electricity price path for the next four years?

Hon PETER COLLIER replied:
I thank the honourable member for some notice of the question.
Again, this is a legacy of that tapestry of failure that I inherited as energy minister when I came into the portfolio. That was the fact that there had been —

Hon Kate Doust: The tapestry of failure?

Hon PETER COLLIER: It is a very valid analogy, I can tell her; she has no idea!

Hon Ed Dermer: Are you responsible for anything at all?

Hon PETER COLLIER: Of course! If the member was watching the news yesterday, he would know that I always take responsibility. I would love to have a debate on this one; I really would.

Several members interjected.

The PRESIDENT: Order! The minister is responsible for a concise and relevant answer.

Subject: Electricity Prices – Increases [Legislative Council – Questions Without Notice]

Date: 15 May 2012

Hansard reference: p. 2400 [online (pdf)]

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